Monday, 27 August 2012

Questionnaire results

Questionnaire – local newspapers results

How often do you buy a local newspaper? (Circle one)
Once a week                                       6/10
Once a month                                      2/10
Less than once a month                       0/10
Never                                                  1/10

How much would you be willing to pay for a local newspaper? (Circle one)
Less than 20p                                      0/10
20p                                                      2/10
40p                                                      7/10
60p                                                      1/10
80p                                                      0/10
£1 or more                                          0/10 

What kind of adverts would you expect to see on the front cover of a local newspaper?  (Circle one or more)
Local businesses                                  10
National companies                            0
Local events                                        6
Competitions                                       4

Would you expect to find photographs to accompany the front cover story?  (Circle one)
Yes                                            9/10
No                                            1/10

Would you expect to find a weather forecast on the front cover of a local newspaper?  (Circle one)
Yes                                           7/10
No                                            3/10

What kind of local news stories would interest you the most?  (Circle one or more)
Sports                                      4
Fundraising events                  3 
New facilities                          7
Town planning information     2 
Crime                                       9

What colour scheme would you find most attractive and professional for a local newspaper? (Circle one)
Red and Black                         3/10
Green and Black                     5/10
Blue and Black                        1/10
Black and White                      1/10
Yellow and Black                     0/10

I intend to use the results of my questionnaire to influence the decision I make in the creation of my newspaper. I will incorporate the results in order to create a paper that is both recognisably local and appeals to a local audience.
